Problem Solvers.
Homer Glen
Family Lawyers Compassionately Advising Residents of Homer Glen
Homer Glen is a great place for families to live, and 67% of the adult residents of Homer Glen are married. Children in the community can attend one of two grade school districts, Homer Community Consolidated School District 33C or Will County School District 92. The public high school that they would attend is Lockport Township High School, District 205. Ideally, a marriage will last forever, but sometimes it does not work out. If you live in Homer Glen and are considering a divorce, you should talk to a skilled Homer Glen divorce lawyer. The attorneys at Kollias P.C., use a personalized approach with their clients. We listen to each client’s needs and desires to help them make the decisions in a divorce that will meet their goals. Whether you are looking for a skilled negotiator to help you come to a quick settlement, or you need an aggressive courtroom advocate, Kollias P.C. is ready to assist you.
No-Fault Divorce in Illinois
As of 2016, Illinois became a true no-fault divorce state. Now, the only ground for divorce is “irreconcilable differences.” In the past, Illinois allowed divorces based on infidelity, mental cruelty, and other grounds. In order to get a divorce due to irreconcilable differences, both parties need to agree that there has been an irretrievable breakdown in the marriage, and reconciliation is unlikely. If one of the parties does not want to get divorced, the other party can still get a divorce. After the parties have been living apart for at least six months, there is an irrebuttable presumption that there has been an irretrievable breakdown of the marriage. A divorce attorney in Homer Glen can help you make sure that you meet the procedural requirements of filing for a divorce.
Illinois Divorce Law
Whether you live in Homer Glen or another part of Illinois, the law that will govern your divorce will be the same, since it is based on state law. Unless the parties can come to a decision themselves, Illinois uses equitable distribution principles to divide marital property. Equitable distribution does not necessarily mean equal, but typically the court sees a marriage as a partnership. That means that judges are likely to find any assets that are earned by either party during the marriage to be jointly owned by both parties. These principles can help protect a party who has given up career opportunities or advancement to help raise the kids or do other household tasks.
If there are kids from the marriage, the parties will need to make a parenting plan in order for the divorce to be finalized. If the parties are unable to come to an agreement themselves or with the help of a Homer Glen divorce attorney or mediator, the court will step in to create the parenting plan. A court will always prioritize the best interests of the child whenever it makes any decisions affecting a child. If a child is old enough to express their wishes, the court will also consider their preferences, but these are not determinative.
The median age of the population of Homer Glen is older than the median age in the state in general (44.9 years old versus 37.4 years old). Thus, some residents considering a divorce are likely to be older. Older individuals who are thinking about divorce may have some concerns that younger people do not have. They are more likely to have health issues and may be thinking seriously about retirement. The financial impact that a divorce can bring can be devastating for your retirement plans. However, if you have a skilled divorce attorney on your side, they can help you try to keep your retirement and other financial plans intact after a divorce.
Get a Free Consultation With a Divorce Lawyer in Homer Glen
The skilled attorneys at Kollias P.C., take a personalized approach to their representation. They put the needs and wishes of their clients first. Whether you are looking for an experienced lawyer to take your issues to trial or a skilled negotiator to help come to a swift and peaceful settlement, you can consult us. If you are considering a divorce or have other family law issues, such as those involving child support or spousal support, we can help you understand your rights and options and answer any questions that you may have. Contact us today online or at (630) 912-8700 to schedule your free consultation.